
Hepatitis A – This disease is most common among the inhabitants of other countries, which still lack sanitary facilities. Most people become infected from childhood; it is often asymptomatic. After traveling, they remain immune for life. This disease can be dangerous for tourists, who rarely come into contact with it in their own countries, so there is no mechanism in their bodies to fight the A virus.

The symptoms of hepatitis A are: fever, chills, headaches, overwork, general weakness and sharp pains, accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, stomach pains, dark urine, pale faeces and the discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes yellow. In some cases, patients complain only of malaise, tiredness, pains, and their skin turns yellow. It is then necessary to visit a doctor, however, treatment is mainly based on rest, drinking plenty of fluids and following a diet, from which it is necessary to eliminate fats. After getting sick, you should refrain from drinking alcohol for six months, until the liver is completely healed.

Infection occurs by drinking unboiled water, consumption not fresh, incorrectly stored food. The best way to prevent infection is to maintain good food hygiene. Because hepatitis belongs to the group of infectious diseases, you should additionally protect yourself against it. This is made possible by a gamma-globulin preparation and a vaccine called Havrix. By taking ga-mma-globulins, the body is provided with ready-made antibodies, which immunize the body for some time. Havrix is ​​a vaccine, when taken, the body produces its own antibodies, which gives permanent immunity.

Hepatitis B – The world lives over 300 million carriers of this disease, also called hepatitis hepatitis. Its viruses are transmitted through the blood or secretions of the human body, so during sexual contact, blood transfusions and through inadequately sterilized syringes and needles. Infection can also happen while shaving, tattooing or piercing ears. The symptoms of this condition resemble those of type A inflammation, but with this difference, that it is more chronic and can lead to permanent liver damage, and even to the development of neoplastic changes.

In case of hepatitis B, only symptomatic treatment should be given. A vaccine is available on the market to prevent this dangerous disease, however, keep in mind, that to develop lasting immunity, you have to spend as much as six months on this. In the beginning, two injections are taken at intervals of at least 30 days, the third dose is administered 5 months after the last injection. Everyone should choose it, who are going to stay in Romania for a long time.

Cholera – The cholera vaccine is generally considered ineffective. Because the bacteria causing this disease are in the water, special attention should be paid to nutritional hygiene.

Each outbreak of the cholera epidemic is publicized in the media, so it is easy to avoid visiting endangered areas. This disease is characterized by a large amount of fluid, "Rice paddies” bowel movements, vomiting, muscle cramps and sudden weakness. Immediate medical attention is needed, however, it is necessary to prevent dangerous dehydration of the body as soon as possible. If medical assistance is delayed, the patient may be treated with tetracyciria (adults – 250 mg four times a day). It is not recommended to give it to the children below 8 years and pregnant women. The popular substitute is ampicillin. Please note, that antibiotics only fight the bacteria themselves, and dehydration is caused by toxins, produced by these microorganisms. That is why it is so important to provide the body with lost fluids.

Venereal diseases – To avoid disease, whose germs are sexually transmitted, avoid accidental sexual contact or use condoms. The most common venereal diseases are gonorrhea and syphilis. The first symptom of infection is genital ulceration and pain when urinating. In women, these diseases are usually latent. The symptoms of syphilis may go away completely, however, the disease continues to progress and often leads to serious complications. Both conditions are treated with antibiotics.

There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases, most of which are curable. The exception is herpes (herpes) and AIDS, for which no effective drug has been found to date.

HIV/AIDS – HIV infection can lead to AIDS. Currently, the number of carriers of this virus is increasing, which can be caught through contact with infected blood and secretions of the human body. In developing countries, the virus is mainly transmitted sexually through heterosexual contact, unlike in industrialized countries, where HIV-positive people are mainly homos- and bisexuals and drug addicts. To avoid infection, you should avoid accidental sexual contact or use condoms. The presence of HIV in the blood of the carrier, seemingly perfectly healthy, can only be determined by special tests.

In Romania, HIV infection occurs frequently during blood transfusions. Testing for HIV in blood transfused is quite expensive, so they are rarely performed there. Equally dangerous are unsterilized syringes and needles, used for preventive vaccinations, acupuncture, making tattoos, piercing the nose and ears or injecting drugs into a vein. If you need an injection, request a disposable syringe, and the safest thing to do is to use your own. Special kits to protect against HIV and AIDS are available for sale, which includes equipment for blood transfusion and injection.

However, regardless of the spreading AIDS disease, the often necessary medical procedures should not be completely abandoned, because if you are careful, the risk of infection is low.

Rabies – This deadly infectious disease occurs sporadically in Romania. Its virus is transmitted through the saliva of dogs, cats, as well as foxes and bats, mainly when bitten. No wound should be underestimated, and every place on the skin, where the contact with the saliva of the animal occurred, should be washed immediately with soap and water, then disinfected. In almost every case of a bite by an animal, you need to see a doctor immediately, and the animal should be confined and observed for approx. 2 weeks. Even if it turns out, that it is not infected, the wound should be properly dressed, to avoid infection or tetanus.

There is now a vaccine against rabies on the market, which should be adopted by persons at particular risk of contact with animals (np. tourists going to explore the caves, exposed to bat bites).

Cuts and scrapes – Even small cuts and scratches can easily become infected or lead to serious diseases. Therefore, each wound should be washed with a disinfectant. It is best to avoid bandages and bands, which are not conducive to wound healing.

Insects – A bee or wasp sting is usually more painful than dangerous. The most effective solution in this case is the calamine solution, and ice packs quickly relieve pain and swelling. The matter is more serious, if someone is allergic to bee or wasp venom – an injection of the antihistamine may be necessary.

Mosquitoes are a pain in the Danube Delta in late spring and summer. Their bites can be soothed with special creams. To prevent them, light colored clothing should be worn, long pants and long-sleeved shirts, use mosquito repellent, avoid perfumed deodorants and aftershaves and, if necessary, have a mosquito net.

Bed bugs and lice – Bed bugs can be found almost everywhere, most often in dirty mattresses and bedding. If there are spots of blood on the walls and bed in a hotel room, it is a sign, that it's best to look for another place to stay.

These parasites leave marks on the skin in the form of even rows. You can relieve itchy places with a solution of calamus or use special creams.

Lice are no less troublesome, which nest in the hair on the head, in the recesses of clothing, and also in pubic hair. These parasites reach the skin through contact with infected people or by sharing combs and clothes. They are fought with special powders and shampoos, the infected clothes can be boiled in boiling water.

Snakes – To avoid being bitten, it is enough to dress appropriately – sturdy shoes, thick socks and long pants are the best protection against snake venom. Do not put your hands into pits and crevices, and gathering wood for fuel, it is worth being especially careful.

A snake bite rarely causes instant death. Sera fighting the venom that are dangerous to humans are available almost everywhere. In the event of a bite, stay calm, wrap the entire limb tightly (preferably with an elastic bandage), and then immobilize it. Victims of the bite should receive medical attention as soon as possible. It is also very useful to recognize the species of snake, however, it must never be caught, because in this way we run the risk of being bitten again. The measures used until recently are under severe criticism: putting on a tourniquet and draining the wound.

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