
International train tickets
Inter Rail-26 tickets They are intended for young people up to 26 years and they allow you to do so – within the period of validity – any number of rides in carriages 2. classes in the territory of selected zones. Surcharges for qualified trains and berths are collected in full. For driving through the territory of the state, whose railway undertaking issued the ticket, and for transit journeys between non-adjacent zones, the holder of the IR-26 ticket is entitled to a discount 50% on the international tariff. If someone has an IR-26 ticket for zone D (Central and Eastern European countries, including Romania), the journey from the place of residence to the Polish border is free.

European countries are divided into 7 zones:
Zone A – Great Britain, Ireland N., Republic of Ireland;

Zone B – Finland, Norway, Sweden;

Zone C – Austria, Dania, Germany, Switzerland;

Zone D – Bulgaria, Croatia, The czech republic, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary;

Strefa E – Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg;

Zone F – Spain, Portugal, Morocco; Zone G – Greece, Slovenia, Turkey, Italy and the Brindisi-Patras ferry connection.

Ticket for 1 Zone (includes from 3 do 7 Countries), important 15 days, it costs 160 ECU (only a ticket for zone D covering Central and Eastern Europe costs 126 ECU); ticket for two freely selected zones, important 1 month -195 ECU; ticket for 3 freely selected zones, important 1 month – 224 ECU; global ticket for all 7 zones, important 1 month – 252 ECU. The ECU rate is: 1 ECU = 3,80 zloty (1 ’98)

Other discount tickets Persons, which have not completed 26. year of life, can use BIJ youth tickets (Billetes International de Jeunesse), in Poland known as Wasteels tickets, and in other countries Eurotrain or Route 26. The Wasteels ticket is valid for two months, enables discounted travel on any route in Europe and Morocco, and travel by almost all ferries. The number and duration of the stops are optional (but only at stations between two cities marked on the ticket in two different countries). The discount varies between limits 20-50% (the central office of Wasteels in Poland: 02-021 Warsaw, ul. Grojecka 17, tel.8223492).

BIGT tickets are intended for people working abroad, who have their immediate family abroad or who have dual citizenship. Discounts are similar to InterRail 26.

Tickets Raił Europa Senior (RES) people empower, which have completed 60 lat, do 30% discounts when buying international tickets. The ID card costs money 15 ECU and is valid for one year on most European railways. Discounts from 30 do 50% some private railways and shipping companies also provide services. However, holders of these cards must pay any additional fees (seat reservation fees, place to lie down) at normal height.

Almost for everyone, no age limit, Euro Domino ticket is available. You can buy it at international PKP ticket offices, Wasteels and Polres ticket offices. Euro Domino tickets are valid for one month, but the journey can be made over the course of 3, 5 the 10 selected days of the month. The price depends on the travel time and the number of purchased coupons for each country. The ticket is valid in the territory of selected countries (for which the coupons are purchased), while on the railway lines in the country of residence of the traveler, entitles you to a 25% discount on the international TCV tariff on the routes to the border station and on the transit rail routes.

Euro Domino Junior tickets are available for individuals, which have not completed 26. year of life. They only allow railcars to travel 2. class, making them a bit cheaper. Although Domino tickets are not cheap, their advantage is the freedom to move around the selected country, and no surcharges for seats on qualified trains (np. EuroCity).

The Zoom Ticket is an offer for small groups of travelers, counting from 2 do 5 people, the age of one of the persons may not exceed 16 lat. The group must travel together from the departure station to the destination station and back, using the same train and class on the way. Participants are then entitled to a discount of 25% from the normal adult fare, and 50% discounts for a person, who did not finish 16 lat.

The tickets listed above are sold by selected international TICKET OFFICES of PKP, CBOP Polres cash registers, BP Wasteels and partly Orbis branches.

On almost all European railways children up to the age of old 10 Have 50% discounts.


The shortest route leads through the border crossing in Łysa Polana or Muszyna, Košice in Slovakia, Miskolc and Debrecen in Hungary to Oradea in Romania. Getting to northern Romania via Ukraine should rather be discouraged. A liter of unleaded gasoline at the beginning 1998 r. cost on average: in Slovakia 2 zloty, in Hungary 2,80 zloty, and in Romania 1,30 zloty.

Arriving in Romania by car, you have to reckon with long queues at checkpoints at the border, especially on weekends. Some foreigners with varying luck try to get ahead, passing by a string of Romanian vehicles. Attempts to bribe Romanian border guards generally end badly. Beware of people arbitrarily charging dubious "ecological" fees at the border”, 'disinfectant”, 'road” and "bridge"” (to check their credibility, just ask for a bill).

Getting from Romania to Bulgaria will require a lot of fortitude. The infinitely long queue moves slowly enough, that no one is surprised by the eight-hour wait for control. So it would be good to stock up on some food and drink.. This blockade of traffic is the result of poor relations between the two countries. – customs officers are not in a hurry to perform their duties.

Having a car, Yugoslav visa and passion for adventure, you can "face each other” with the Serbian police and try to drive to Bulgaria through Yugoslavia. Listed below are the Romanian border crossings for all nationalities on expressways, counterclockwise. Outside Ukrainian and Moldovan, which are open from 8.00 do 20.00., all others work 24 hours a day.


Border crossings: Petei (11 km northwest of Satu Mare), Bora (14 km northwest of Oradei), Varsand (66 km north of Arad), Nadlac (between Szeged and Arad).


Border crossings: Jambolia (45 km west of Timisoara), Moravita (between Timisoara and Belgrade), Naidas (120 km east of Belgrade) and the Iron Gate (Iron gates); 10 km west of Drobeta-Turnu Severin).


Border crossings: tow (on the other side of Vidin in Bulgaria), Giurgu (on the other side of Ruse), Calarasi (on the other side of Silistra), Negru Voda (37 km northwest of Tolbuhina) and Vama Veche (10 km south of Mangalia).


Crossing: Albina (65 km southeast of Iaşi).


Crossing: Siret (between Suceava and Chernivtsi, for rum. Cernauti).


Adventurers, who do not have the desire or money to travel on international trains, can use local means of transport. In Hungary, you can commute to Nagylak (nine trains from Szeged every day, 47 km). The six-kilometer stretch to the Romanian border can be crossed or taken by taxi. The border is crossed on foot and one of the four trains to Arad catches in Nadlać (52 km; 1,5 time.).

To get to Bulgaria, the road should be started 10 km south of Mangalia, from where the bus #6 leaves for Vama Veche, where you can walk across the border and try to find a connection to the village of Balchik, Lying 62 km to the southwest. Pedestrians are not allowed to use the so-called "Friendship Bridge"” on the way to Ruse, so they have train connections from Bucharest-Progres station to Giurgiu-Nord (9 daily,58 km; 1,5 time.). To get to the other side, you have to go 3 km, to the bridge, and try to hitchhike.

Sea ferry

From Romania you can go to further lands. An interesting idea is a cruise on the Black Sea. Three times a week, from mid-May to September, there is a ferry between Constanţa and Istanbul. The journey lasts 6 time., and a one-way ticket costs 55 $, both 90 $. This is a unique opportunity, but then Bulgaria is bypassed.

River ferry

There are regular ferries across the Danube all year round, connecting Calafat with Vidin (every hour; 3,50 $ the 6 DM, only in hard currency; 30 min). Both cities have good train connections with the whole country.

Departure from Romania

No departure fee is charged. You should also make sure, that the trip was confirmed in the passport with a stamp.

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