Main attractions


Museum and gallery

The Archaeological Museum of Constana has one of the best collections of Greek and Roman products in Eastern Europe. Cluj Ethnographic Museum, The Museum of Folk Techniques in Sibiu and the Village Museum in Bucharest perfectly present Romanian folk culture. The oldest and richest art collection is housed in the Bruckenthal Museum in Sibiu. The exhibitions of the Danube Museum are of a natural and historical nature, and an additional attraction is the aquarium with fish living in the Danube.


Usually everyone wants to see the Gothic Castle of Bran (even if they know, that the historic prince Dracula did not live there), but the castle in nearby Risnov should not be underestimated. Persistent travelers and Vlad the Impaler trackers will do their best, to reach the ruins of his real residence in Poienari towering over the precipitous ravine. Hunedoara Fortress is undoubtedly the most magnificent Gothic structure in the country, but the impression is spoiled by the industrial plants next to it. The royal residence of the Hohenzollern is located in Sinai, Peles Palace from the end of the 19th century, about architecture as if transferred from Bavaria alive.

Historical cities

All medieval towns worth a visit – Sighisoara, Sybin, Brasov and Cluj-Napoca – they are in Transylvania, that is, Transylvania (out of the famous seven castles, these four have survived, the former has the most medieval character). Oradea is an elegant 19th-century Habsburg city in the Crisan Oblast.

Religious buildings

The most valuable monuments of sacred architecture are Orthodox churches and monasteries as well as fortified Protestant churches, erected in the style of late German gothic. The most impressive of the latter is the church in Biertan, surrounded by a triple line of defensive walls and towers. It is also worth taking a look at similar objects in the villages of Prejmer and Harman, if only for this, to find out, how much they resemble Teutonic buildings in Poland. (The sign of a pelican tearing its chest is also unfamiliar to Transylvania, only that the rulers there quickly drove the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary from their lands).

It would be a sin not to see the amazingly beautiful church in Curtea de Arges, masterpieces of the style typical of Wallachia. Other interesting churches are in Dealu near Tirgowiste, w Voronetu (the object recognized by UN experts as a monument of the highest world class), in Humor, Moldovity i Suczewicy.


The government agency ONT Carpati supervises Romanian tourism. Free brochures can be obtained from its offices, but don't expect, that they will help minimize expenses. Their task is to earn money from tourists. It is also not worth counting on the purchase of maps in its outlets or comprehensive information in a language other than Romanian or broken French.

Officiul Judetean de Turism regional tourist offices (OJT) they tend to be more helpful, but they are mainly aimed at serving Romanian tourists. Sometimes they provide really reliable advice, and sometimes they just refer you to the nearest first-class hotel.

It is equally difficult to predict the outcome of a visit to the Agenda de Turism Intern office (WE HAD). They specialize in domestic tourism, sometimes they order private accommodation or one-day trips. It is the only place, where you can get city maps (city ​​plan) or maps of districts (harta in the county), but not tourist maps of the mountains.

Student travel agency, Youth Tourism Office (BTT), There are no offers for solo international students (a remnant of the old regime's policy). It is exceptionally helpful in finding accommodation, or at least refers you to those who are under it (cheap) hotels BTT.

ACR, travel agency of the Romanian Automobile Club (Automobile Clubul Roman), has branches in several hotels all over the country. Employees reserve places in more expensive hotels and provide basic information for motorized tourists, and not only. Usually you can get a map of the main roads free of charge.

After 1989 r. numerous private tourist offices began to appear, but they mainly organize holiday trips for Romanians. Some of them book private rooms and tours, and it's much cheaper than ONT.


Only student and youth ID cards may be useful. There are no youth hostels in Romania, and the camping pass does not cover this country with the International Student Card, called ISIC from the English name of the International Student Identity Card, is a widely respected document confirming the identity of a student and a high school student. This document entitles you to discounts at museums, theaters, cinemas, on the railroad, ferries, in buses, some hotels and campsites.

Ask for ISIC card discounts anytime, anywhere, even if there are no relevant signs. ID card holders can also use the helpline (its employees provide legal advice, medical and financial) and are entitled to special insurance. After paying the premium in the amount of 10 $ are insured against the costs of treatment for the guaranteed amount 3000 $. ID card – valid from the moment of purchase until 31 December this year – can be obtained on the basis of a valid student or student ID (one photo is needed). The cost of issuing the document is 19 zloty.

International Teacher's Card (ONCE) entitles to similar, albeit more modest discounts, in practice, however, it is not always respected. It is issued by the tourism offices of the Logostur Polish Teachers' Union and Almaturu offices on the basis of a valid teaching ID. It costs 30 PLN and includes insurance against medical expenses (to the price 37 500 zloty) and from the consequences of accidents (to the price 25 000 zloty).

People below 26. year of life, who are not students, can use the International Youth Travel Card, also known as the GO card 25, which is released by FIYTO (Federation of International Youth Travel Organization). It costs 25 zloty, it entitles you to similar discounts as the ISIC card and is issued by Almaturu offices. In the case of the Go 25 its holders are covered by health insurance (to the price 25 000 zloty) and from the consequences of accidents (to the price 12 500 zloty).

European Euro Youth Card <26 is a discount card, which can be owned by any person of age 15-26 lat. You can buy it online 300 points in Poland, in Orbis branches, Tonsil stores, at universities and directly at the office of the Polish card issuer: Gdańsk Foundation for European Integration, Gdansk, ul. Long Market 11/13; tel./fax 058/3016322, 3017195. The cost of purchasing the card is 29 zloty, is important through 1 one year from the date of issue. In Romania, the card gives practically no discounts, the only benefit of having it is travel insurance, which guarantees coverage of treatment costs, consequences of accidents and medical transport. In the event of an insured incident, please call the toll-free telephone number provided on your card.


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